Privacy Policy.

Pertaining to the website, the following Privacy Policy outlines the website’s policies relating to the collection of data and personal information including but not limited to your name, your contact details including email and phone, Profit and Loss / Balance sheet information, forecasting data that you have chosen to provide to Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd.

Avatar Consulting reserves the right to modify this policy from time to time as governing laws require. This Privacy Policy forms part of the Terms and Conditions for you must agree to in the event to use the website 

  1. Personal Information
    Avatar Consulting will endeavour to protect any personal information you choose to provide to us via use of the website
    You agree that the personal information you provide is done so voluntarily by you.
    This Privacy Policy will endeavour to comply at all times with the governing National Privacy Principles contained in Sch 3 of the Privacy Act 2012 (Cth) or any other applicable privacy code approved by the Federal Commissioner pursuant to that Act.
    You agree that in order for Avatar Consulting to provide you with service requests, it is necessary for us to obtain from you personal information including but not limited to your name, your contact details including email and phone.

  2. Financial Information
    Avatar Consulting will endeavour to protect any financial information you choose to provide to us via use of the website This information will be consistent with the purposes for which it was voluntarily supplied by you (eg. Target setting, calculations, financial reporting and benchmarking etc)
    You agree that the personal information you provide is done so voluntarily by you.
    This Privacy Policy will endeavour to comply at all times with the governing National Privacy Principles contained in Sch 3 of the Privacy Act 2012 (Cth) or any other applicable privacy code approved by the Federal Commissioner pursuant to that Act.
    You agree that in order for Avatar Consulting to provide you with service requests, it is necessary for us to obtain from you financial information including but not limited to transactional, Profit and Loss / Balance Sheet information, forecasting data, Point of Sale data.

  3. Use of Personal and Financial Information

    Both the personal and financial information voluntarily supplied by you and or your agents shall be used only in relation to the client services you have requested.
    Some of the information supplied may be used in aggregated form as part of a statistical sample however, it will never be used in the format supplied or made identifiable to any internal or external party that has not been approved by you or your agent.

  4. Security of Personal and Financial Information

    The confidentiality of information supplied by our clients/website users on our website is held by Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd in trust and all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the privacy and integrity of this information.
    Whilst every effort is made by Avatar Consulting to protect such information over web transmissions, transmissions to and from the world wide web may be intercepted and used by third parties for their personal use and gain or alter content to contain defects such as viruses. Avatar Consulting has taken what they believe to be the necessary steps to protect your information.
    You agree you shall not hold Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd liable for any such defects or loss of information security as a result of submitting data via the Avatar website


This Disclaimer forms part of the Terms and Conditions for the website and Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd.

By using the website you acknowledge that the services and information provided on our website is for general information. Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd will not guarantee the outcomes of services provided based on information received from you or your agents as we have no way of validating such information and rely solely on your data input for the outcome achieved.
Prior to making any decisions in relation to reporting outcomes received from our website, you should use your own judgement and seek independent advice prior to acting on any outcomes provided by us in relation to your specific circumstances.

The services provided by Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd are reliant on financial data received from you and your agents. Whilst every effort to provide a high quality service is the priority of Avatar Consulting, we do not recommend reliance nor accept responsibility for any information provided to users of our website for which we do not have total control, validation or justification of usage.

Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd, its employees and agents do not give any guarantees, undertakings or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness or up to date nature of the information provided and therefore you should confirm information and advice with another source if you deem it necessary.
You agree that Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd is under no circumstances liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss of profits, damages, injury, or any consequential losses of any nature whatsoever that may arise from:

  • Accessing or using any of the information or functionality contained on or via the use of the website or Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd, its agents or employees.

  • Unauthorised access or alteration to data or personal information you have submitted.

  • Conduct or statements made by a third party who has representation on the website

External Contractors
Often we engage expert services from time to time to help us improve our systems, products and services. Contractors and or service providers may at times require access to Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd files, which may contain personal information. In all circumstances where personal information may become known to our Contractors or outsourced service providers, confidentiality arrangements are in place. Contractors, agents and outsourced service providers are not able to use or disclose personal information for any purposes other than our own. Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd treats client confidentiality with the utmost respect and makes every effort to deal only with third party contractors and or services provides who share and demonstrate the same attitude and respect in such sensitive matters. 

Disclosure as a result of your actions
There may be circumstances in which we consider you, by your actions, to have released us from our duty of confidentiality or to have consented to the disclosure of information about you without actually saying so (for example, if you discuss your financial position publicly to the media, in such a way as to leave us with little alternative but to respond publicly). 

Disposing of information
Where information we hold is identified as no longer needed for any purpose we ensure it is effectively and securely destroyed, for example, by shredding in the case of paper or by degaussing (demagnetism of the medium using alternating electric currents) and other means in the case of electronic records and equipment. 

Use of "Cookies"
Our Site may use cookies to enhance your experience while using our Site. Cookies are pieces of information that some Web sites transfer to the computer that is browsing that Web site and are used for record-keeping purposes at many Web sites. Use of cookies makes Web-surfing easier by performing certain functions such as saving your passwords, your personal preferences regarding your use of the particular Web site and to make sure you don't see the same ad repeatedly. Many consider the use of cookies to be an industry standard.Your browser is probably set to accept cookies. However, if you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies. If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our Site will not function properly when you view them. 

In the event you feel you have cause to challenge the terms and conditions of this website, you can, in the first instance, contact Avatar Consulting Pty Ltd on 07 3832 997 or via email to discuss your concerns.